The ant

Ant problem? Call upon our experts

The ant

Ants in your home? Call a professional!

Que vous ayez besoin de faire appel à un exterminateur ou simplement d’aide pour le calfeutrage, n’hésitez pas à communiquer avec un professionnel. En effet, nos spécialistes seront en mesure de vous guider, du début à la fin!

Bien que ces insectes puissent sembler inoffensives, la réalité peut fortement différer. Le fait de tenter d’éliminer une infestation à vous seul comporte tout de même un risque et peut également être infructueux. Les interventions contre les fourmis doivent commencer par une inspection, vu que la situation peut grandement varier d’une propriété à l’autre. L’inspection comporte plusieurs objectifs, soit d’identifier les espèces de fourmis, de déterminer la probabilité qu’il y ait un nid dans la structure du bâtiment et, enfin, de proposer des solutions adaptées à votre problème.

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La fourmi son élimination

Read this information carefully to properly identify an ant problem in your space.

  • In Quebec, there are more than a hundred species of ants in the entire province. However, the most invasive ants we need to watch out for and those that usually require treatment are:

Pavement ants

Pavement ants

The pavement ant gets its name from its preferred nesting sites. Loving being mostly under pavement or concrete, where small bubbles form in the cracks, Pavement ants also occasionally nest in walls, under foundations and in building insulation. This species may not be native to Quebec, but it has adapted very well to our climate!

Carpenter Ants

Extermination de fourmis charpentière

Carpenter ants get their name from the fact that they burrow into wood in order to enlarge their nests. Indeed, carpenter ants do not eat the dug wood since they only work to increase the expansion of the colony. This habit sometimes causes structural damage to buildings. Carpenter ants often represent a great challenge for professionals working in extermination.

Black field ants

Black field ants

Due to their black coloration and relatively large size, black ants are sometimes confused with carpenter ants. This species of ant also nests in the ground of grassy areas, often creating small mounds of dirt across the yard.

Pharaoh Ants

Extermination fourmis pharaon

Pharaoh ants are among the smallest species of ants in Montreal. These species cannot survive the cold winter, so most of their nests can be found indoors. Pharaoh ant colonies have multiple nests, as well as multiple queens. Colonies mature quickly and can reach several hundred thousand ants. A pharaoh ant problem begins as soon as they enter a building through foodstuffs or various objects. The extermination of pharaoh ants is usually accomplished by a professional.

Field ants in Quebec

Field ants in Quebec

There are several species of field ants in Quebec. They often nest in lawns, under rocks or pavement, and around building foundations. Populations of this species can reach very large numbers in a very short time and are sometimes very difficult to eradicate. This is why it is strongly advised to call an exterminator when you are confronted with this type of ant.

How to detect a situation requiring the extermination of ants

You may be wondering if there is an ant infestation in your home. Even, you may be hesitant whether you should worry about it or not. If this is your case, you can use the following information to help you be sure:

Extermination de fourmis

You only see one or a few ants, mostly on the edge of a counter or window. This case is usually worker ants looking for food for their colony. As a rule, this happens more specifically in the warm season. So, just kill the visible ants, stay alert and watchful of the aftermath to avoid a proliferation.

You see a large number of ants in a room. Ants can form single file, climb a bedroom wall or cross the kitchen floor. Ants are notably present on a continuous basis, even during the cold season. In general, it is a lesser infestation that you can either try to control yourself with various tricks. You can also contact professionals who will take care of exterminating ants.

You can see winged adults emerging through cracks in your home, even through the walls or ceiling. Often, these ants then try to get out through a window. Generally, when we see winged ants, there is a strong possibility of a nest and a colony. Unfortunately, they must be well installed inside your home.

Extermination fourmis Montréal-Nord

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