Brossard Exterminator

Contact our certified exterminators for a free estimate

911 Extermination (Brossard)

Insects and rodents are the species small enough in size to infiltrate the nooks and crannies of your home. The latter are not very popular, because they often do damage. Moreover, they are considered as invaders and therefore labeled as undesirable.

If you are in this situation and want to remedy it as soon as possible, leave our exterminators on the South Shore of 911 Exterminateur in Brossard handle this problem. We are a company in the extermination sector that aims to get rid of all these critters swarming in different corners of your home.

Contact us

(450) 641-2355

Get my free estimate (South Shore)
Please upload image for pest identification
Ville de Brossard

Some good reasons to choose our extermination company

There are many companies that are active in the extermination of small insects. On the other hand, you have a lot to gain by concluding a contract with our Brossard extermination company

High quality service

  • Our team of exterminators is made up of professionals who know their field and do quality work
  • They will help you optimize your costs by doing only the essentials of their work
  • Ils vous guident de manière à préserver votre maison de l’invasion de bestioles
  • We have acquired a certain notoriety thanks to a job well done
  • The products we use are without unwanted side effects

Our professionals have received adequate training for the exercise of this profession. In addition to ensuring the complete elimination of critters, they are also responsible for disinfecting the premises.
Ils procèdent à des travaux pour barrer la voie aux insectes afin qu’ils ne soient plus en mesure de réintégrer votre maison. Ceci en toute légalité.

Satisfied customers!

Service Urgence
Spécialistes en fourmis charpentières

Extermination fourmis Montréal-Nord

30$ discount*

Ant treatment

Promo code: 911

*with the purchase of a 1-year plan. Limited time offer