Spider Extermination

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to get rid of spiders

Spider exterminator

Call a spider exterminator

You can call on one of our technicians spider exterminators so that he first comes to make a diagnosis of the situation before taking action. Depending on the degree of invasion, he can offer you different solutions such as the use of tools against spiders, the use of insecticides or even treatment products against this invasion.

As for the price for a spider exterminator, it can vary depending on the extent of the infestation as well as the methods that need to be used.

Call our spider specialists without delay, we will provide you with the solution you need as soon as possible. 

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Spiders: description, typology and methods of extermination

Extermination araignée

There are more than 43,000 species of spiders around the world. They are classified as families and distributed in certain countries and cities around the world, such as Quebec, where they are found in large numbers. This frequency of spiders in houses and other places means that we often need a spider exterminator. Indeed, some traditional solutions do not solve the problem all the time.

Discover the general description of spiders in Quebec, their characteristics and the methods of extermination.


Common name :Spider
Latin Name:Aranea
Life expectancy: 6 months to 1 year

Spider Features

The spider is part of the arachnid family unlike many who see it as an insect. Its body is divided into two parts and it has 8 legs. The first part of its body includes the head and thorax and the second part includes the abdomen. It is at the level of the first part of the body of the spider that we find the hooks of this one which allow him to capture his prey.

Spiders can be divided into two types: sedentary spiders characterized by long legs and runner spiders which have short legs.

Quebec spiders

Among the 43,600 species of spiders distributed throughout the world, 1413 species are found in Quebec. However, the spiders that are in our house are not dangerous. There are just some that make small bites with consequences on the skin. The spider Dolomedes tenebrosus is the largest in Quebec and the spider Mysmena Quebecana is the smallest in the country.

Types of spiders in Quebec

The Dolomedes: This type of spider is often confused with the wolf spider but the distinction is usually made in the arrangement of their eyes.
Dolomedes are mostly found in rocky areas and near streams and their width can be up to 3 inches. Dolomedes generally feed on small fish and insects and they carry their eggs below the first part of their bodies.
Dolomedes tenebrosus, the giant spider of Quebec:The large size of these spiders does not make them a dangerous species, far from it they are harmless. They can measure up to 27mm and far exceed the smallest spider in the country which does not even measure 1mm. The Dolomedes tenebrosus are characterized by their speed and their habit of dwelling in humid areas.
In Quebec, they are found in homes and forests. Although harmless, these spiders do bite.
The black Widow :These spiders are present in Quebec but we see them very rarely. Black widow spiders, as their name suggests, are black in color with a hint of red in the abdomen. This type of spider bites only when danger is sensed.
Its web is often found under shrubs, rocks, and in other places like garages. Their presence is more frequent in the South.
Cellar Spiders:As their name suggests, they are found most of the time in the cellars where they weave their web. They also live in damp areas such as basements, and pose no danger to humans.
Cellar spiders set up their webs at the corners of the area where they hide.
House spiders:House spiders are found in homes and are related to black widow spiders. However their way of life as well as their preferences of shelter makes the big difference.
The color of the house spider is somewhere between white and black and this one has markings on its body. The length of the first two legs of this spider triples that of its body. House spiders are found under furniture and in other areas.
Wolf spiders:The peculiarity of these spiders is the absence of webs : indeed they do not weave unlike other types of spiders. They take care of hunting prey and mostly feed on insects.
Wolf spiders are dark brown in color and can measure up to 3cm in length. They generally take refuge in forests, soils and gardens, changing their habitat according to the season.

Are spiders in Quebec dangerous?

The majority of spiders in Quebec are not dangerous and only bite when they feel in danger. The black widow spider is considered the most dangerous spider to bite because it is venomous. The bite of the black widow spider can thus have effects on the skin. These effects vary according to the part that has been bitten but also according to the quantity of poison that accompanied this bite. As dangerous as it is, black widow spider bites cause almost no ill consequences in the future.

If bitten by the black widow spider, it is advisable to go see a doctor so that the bite is treated as soon as possible.. Other than that, some spiders shun human presence and are completely harmless.

Quebec spiders are also useful because they feed mainly on insects and help exterminate them. This is the case of the wolf spider, which feeds on caterpillars and other insects that destroy crops.

How to exterminate spiders?

There are several methods to get rid of spiders. You have the choice between using homemade solutions, use spider extermination products or call a professional spider exterminator.

However, what precedes all these methods is to apply preventive measures in order to no longer be confronted with this type of situation. Prevention is a thousand times easier than extermination.

Comment exterminer les araignées

Ways to prevent spiders

There are different solutions that can allow you to prevent the invasion of spiders. Take the time to regularly inspect each part and corners to detect any trace of their presence. Also on the outside of your house, try to examine the surroundings and do not hesitate to get rid of trees or plants that have either fallen or died because spiders can use it as a refuge.

Make sure your home is always clean so that there are no insects that can attract spiders. Regularly clean the nooks and crannies of your home and the underside of your furniture to check at the same time if the spiders are not there.

Use of spider extermination products

There are effective products that can exterminate spiders. However, these products should be used with caution. There are various types of spider extermination products: spraying products, fumigants or barriers to prevent insects from entering an area. Insecticide products are generally the most used for the extermination of spiders.

If you are unable to use the products yourself or you still find spiders in your home, then call on our spider extermination services.

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