Wasp Exterminator

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Do you think you need a wasp extermination service?

Rest assured, this information on wasps in Quebec should help you get rid of them for good.

Latin Name:Vespula, Vespa, Dolichovespula
Queen length:19 to 20 mm
Workers length:12 to 17 mm
Reproduction:Only the queen can breed
Nest:10,000 to 16,000 cells
Colonies:- Consist of queen, workers and males
- The first larvae will hatch towards the end of May

How to recognize a wasp?

Before seeing how to exterminate wasp nests, a little biology wouldn't hurt.

It should be noted that wasps are flying insects identifiable by the yellow and black bands adorning their abdomen. Sometimes the bands are white in color. Also known as "yellow jackets" or "hornets", these insects range in size from 10 to 25mm, or 0.39 to 1 inch. In comparison with the bee, the wasp is less hairy. Notice, also, that wasps have two pairs of wings, one was smaller than the other. They also have three pairs of legs. It should be noted that in the queen, the abdomen of the wasp ends with a spawn. While, for worker wasps, there is a sting.

Finally, wasp species can be classified into two categories. On the one hand, there are solitary wasps that rarely build nests. These species generally live alone and are not really dangerous.

On the other hand, there are social wasps that gather in swarms and build nests. They then live in colonies, are more common but also more harmful by their behavior. The nests they erect are in the shape of paper and of various sizes. Luckily, some of their nests are very visible. Others, on the other hand, are quite hidden.

In Quebec, you will find, on average, four types of wasps: mason wasps, social wasps, gall wasps and yellow jacket wasps (very large).

You will notice their presence, usually, through their buzzing sounds and their honeycombed nests.

Everything you need to know about wasp nests in Quebec

The infestation of your home by a swarm of wasps is never a happy event. Indeed, the presence of these insects in your home is to be feared. No one can deny the dangerous nature of a wasp sting. These insects are present all over the world. But, they prefer the most to evolve in cold regions. This is also the reason why we find them in winter in Quebec.

Aware of the danger of their bite, you are certainly wondering how to exterminate wasp nests of your accommodation? Don't you know when to touch their nests? Are you wondering, moreover, what products to use to kill wasps?

How do social wasps live?

Just like the society of bees, that of wasps is very well organized. Each individual fulfills a well-defined function in the swarm. These social insects live in colonies. The latter (colonies) are composed of a few future queens, worker wasps and males (at a certain time of the year).

During the winter period, the elements of the colony die. Only the queens will survive which will hibernate until the spring period to build new colonies. Mated queens rarely opt for an old nest. They will decide to build a new one often at tree level, near a property or even in the foundation of your house. In the latter case, they become harmful to you. Indeed, if they are disturbed, they will not hesitate to bite you in order to defend their new territory.  

What do wasps feed on?

It is necessary to understand that wasps are primarily predators for other insects. They covet and devour insects smaller than themselves. Also, like bees, wasps feed on nectar from flowers. They also eat the midges they encounter on the flowers.

What types of wasp nests are found in Quebec?

Depending on the location and climate, the shapes of wasp nests will diverge significantly. Indeed, you can find paper nests in attics or trees. Conversely, you may notice nests under your tunnels. In Quebec, note that there are three types of wasp nests that you may encounter. First, there are the parasol-shaped nests. Small in size (275 individuals maximum), this type of nest can take place anywhere in the house. Then there are the nests that look like cones. Larger in size, this type of nest can easily reach the size of a balloon. These nests are most often in the forest.

What damage do wasps cause?

Social wasps are very popular in rural and urban areas of many states in North America, including Canada. Regarding the damage it can cause, note that the wasp is one of the most dangerous stinging insects in the world. A wasp sting can be deadly. In fact, some bites are very poisonous. In Canadian cities, several thousand people complain of wasp stings every year.

In addition, wasps are very attracted to your sugary foods and foods rich in protein. They will therefore without hesitation annex your pantry if you do not cover the food.

Therefore, you should exterminate the wasps in your home as quickly as possible. However, how to get there?

How to destroy wasp nests?

The extermination of wasp nests from the house is both risky and complicated. Indeed, the colonies will certainly defend the nest by attacking you. And, as announced earlier, their bites can be deadly if you don't treat it in time.

What to do in case of wasp stings?

piqûres de guêpes

When you undergo a wasp sting, adopting the following reflexes will certainly save your life. The first thing to do is to check if the sting still does not stay stuck in the skin. It will therefore have to be removed. Otherwise, the bitten area will swell badly. Next, you must cautiously approach a heat source in order to neutralize the venom. Finally, you will only have to disinfect the wound. If you are close to a dispensary, it would be best to get there as soon as possible.

Tips for exterminating a wasp nest from the house

It is strongly advised not to try to exterminate a wasp nest by yourself. In fact, if you don't know well how these insects work, you risk being bitten by them for sure. So, you should let a professional exterminator do it for you. However, if you are a reckless individual, you are advised to act with tact and caution.

You will have to get closer to the nest without the wasps noticing you. Your life greatly depends on it. Despite these warnings, it is still useful to give you some tips for removing wasp nests from your home. To get rid of wasps for good, you'll need to combine preventive and curative measures.

Preventive solutions against social wasps

To prevent wasps from often taking up residence in your home, you must observe certain preventive measures.. So, to guard against a wasp infestation, you act as follows. First, it is advisable to cover all your foods rich in protein and sugar. Then, when you eat outdoors, avoid eating sweet foods with strong odors without covering them.

If you have ever noticed a wasp nest in your home, it is not recommended to use perfume or hair spray near them.

Finally, it is recommended not to walk barefoot on the garden lawn in winter. At the end of the summer, the wasps are very numerous and active.

Offensive solutions to get rid of wasp nests

In order to exterminate wasp colonies from the house, you have several options. Among these is the use of traps or chemical products.

Install wasp traps

In Quebec, you will find traps designed to catch wasps in several department stores and garden centers. Note that traps are more effective if you bait the wasps with food. However, be careful not to attract bees instead of wasps. On this, it is then necessary to use protein and unsweetened foods. Another precaution is also not to install the trap near children's play areas.

Use chemicals against wasps

Another solution is to use chemicals against wasps. In this case, an insecticide should be sprayed near the wasps' nest. For your safety, it is advisable to do this at night (wasps are less active at night). Also, it will be necessary to remain calm if the wasps are agitated.

So, with these tips, you should be able to get rid of wasp nests. But, again for your safety, let a professional exterminator take care of it, ask us for a free estimate.

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