• The best way to get rid of mice is to hire an expert in rodent infestation or extermination who will be able to carry out the necessary work.

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Do you know how to eliminate mice?

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Having mice at home, whatever the place, the attic, the garden, the garage, among others, is not at all ideal. The presence of mice is a real nuisance for you and your loved ones. Mice cause multiple damage, degrading anything it touches in their path. Worse still, they represent a permanent danger to the health of individuals. Your food is attacked and there are unbearable odors due to the droppings they make and leave everywhere.

Do you know how to get rid of mice? unfortunately this can often be complex as the mouse, despite its small size, is endowed with exceptional speed and intelligence. Here are some effective methods that can help you.

Common Mouse Species

Field mouse Measure without tail 80 to 100mm; with tail 70 to 90mm; The male can weigh 25g, and the female 20g; Beige to brown fur, they almost always have a small yellow stripe on the chest.
House mouse (gray) 7 to 9.5cm long, with a tail of comparable size; Weighs between 12 and 30g; Small legs and head, large eyes and ears differentiate it from a small brown rat (Rattus norvegicus)).
Deer mouse (vole)Scientific name: Peromyscus maniculatus; Length: 9.6cm (Adult); Family: Cricetidae; Weight: 20g (At maturity); Gestation: 27 days

How to get rid of mice naturally?

There are several ways to get rid of small rodents that disturb you. These methods differ in their effectiveness. You can avoid spending a lot of money by opting for all-natural methods:

  • Cat litter

You can use a small amount of kitty litter and spread it all along the walls of where mice often go. And if you want to get more efficiency, opt for the best-smelling litter possible. You can find it in supermarkets. If you don't have a cat, you will certainly find one by asking your neighbor or a friend.

  • Plant leaves

Some plant leaves can help you kill mice naturally. This is the case with bay leaves, sage or mint, which you will certainly find available in your kitchen. It is enough to place a sheet at the level of the place where the rodent passes, which will be repelled by the smell. A single sheet can be effective, especially eucalyptus-based dishwashing products.

  • Some other natural methods

In addition to kitty litter or plant leaves, there are other equally effective natural methods. In addition to the important rule of having a clean house, you can usepeppermint essential oil which gives off a very strong repellent odor for the small rodent. There are many commercially available natural repellents such as dried snake droppings, among others.

How to get rid of mice in the attic?

Mice can live in the most unexpected places in your home, serving as a hiding place for them. Among these places, there is the attic, an often closed place to which they can adapt without problem. Here's how to get rid of them:

  • Use trapping

If mice have been hiding in your attic, you can lure them out of the walls using food bait. So you can use different kinds of traps : glue, spring, ultrasonic, live plugs, among others. To be effective, traps must be placed correctly and along areas frequented by mice at attic level.

  •  Use Mouse Poison

Another effective way to get rid of mice is to use mouse poison. This product is sold in some stores in the form of small granules. However, care must be taken when handling this poison, which can be harmful to your pets. Also, it will be necessary to avoid placing it too much next to the food kept in the attic, to prevent the rodent from favoring them.

  • Seek Professional Help

The attic is often a complex place where various things are kept. It is quite simply the ideal hiding place for small rodents. So getting rid of mice in this place can be quite complex. It is best to call on a professional mouse exterminator who perfectly masters the different methods to get rid of mice in your home, especially in your attic.

How to get rid of mice in the garden?

If mice invade your garden, they can be real pet peeves for your green space, garden, vegetable patch or orchard. They can gnaw the roots, destroy your flowers, your tubers, among others. Here's how to proceed:

  • Get ahead of the damage

It is a question of increasing biodiversity in your garden, by welcoming predators of mice such as hedgehogs, raptors, ... when you plant a tree, be sure to place a fine-mesh fence at the bottom of the hole to protect roots. Mice love the areas around their pantry, so be sure to keep the base of trees clear.

  • Use repellents

If you find that mice do a lot of damage, you can then try to use repellents. For this, you can put garlic scraps at the burrow holes. Prick elder twigs with a few leaves near the crops to be protected. Pour homemade elderberry manure into the burrow. You can buy bone oil repellents from a store.

  • Catch the mice

Another effective method to get rid of your mice that are deteriorating your garden is to eliminate them gently. For this, what could be more effective than lifetraps. This is the best way to get hold of these rodents without killing them. Depending on the model, you can place them at the entrance or in the mouse gallery. You can also use vibration / ultrasonic transmitters.

How to get rid of mice when you have a dog?

When you own a dog, it can be at risk when you use a method to eliminate mice in your home. Indeed, some mouse traps can be dangerous for your pet.. So what to do?

  • Natural repellents, more effective

His sense of smell developed, destroying their galleries, identifying their hideouts, among others.

  • Cleaning, a very effective method

Mice love food lying around your house. So it is important to completely clean your house and its exterior surroundings. If the food is protected as it should be, inaccessible to rodents, they will no longer hang around your home. So, for that, block everything that is opening, air ducts, ends of pipe, among others. You can use fine-mesh wire mesh for this.

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How to get rid of mice permanently?

To get rid of mice permanently, you have to kill them. They are certainly living beings but real pests that can cause enormous damage in the house. There are many methods that aim to kill mice.

  • Using bleach to kill mice

Bleach is very useful to humans but it obviously remains a dangerous substance. The man uses it to perform various cleaning tasks. The smell of bleach is particularly unbearable for mice. So to get rid of mice permanently, just take care to make a trap without the smell of bleach. You can inject a few drops of the liquid into cheese or condensed milk.

  • Use salt

Salt is one of the most effective natural methods to get rid of rodents permanently, like mice. Mice are not too fond of salt. So, to kill them, you can concoct a salt-based recipe that the mouse will find difficult to digest. You can, for example, use gypsum and flour in equal parts and incorporate salt into it.

  • Use anti-mouse gel

Mice love to hide in the farthest corners of your home. And it only comes out when you're gone. So you can trap them instead of waiting for them to come out. You can kill them quietly using special anti-mouse gel. To kill mice, simply inject the poisonous solution directly into their living space through a small crack.

Home remedies to get rid of mice

To catch mice, individuals generally opt for bait, while there are many other interesting tricks. Home remedies, for example, can be particularly effective. Let's discover some of them.

  • Baking soda against mice

One of the most used home tricks to get rid of mice is the use of baking soda, often used in various household tasks. It also works formidable in the fight against pests such as mice. You can, for example, mix it with flour and sugar and that will be enough to kill rodents.

  • Making a potpourri

Another effective home remedy to get rid of mice, it is to make a potpourri. It's about creating a mixture of cayenne pepper and clove that will keep mice out of your home. These mixed spices give a scent particularly hated by mice. Once the potpourri mix created, it will suffice to place it at the level of the entrances to the galleries.

How to get rid of mice permanently?

The garage is also a favorite place for mice to hide. It is also the place often used to park the car but also to keep materials and equipment. So, you have to get rid of these rodents before they harm your property.

  • Adopt a cat

A practice often used by garage owners is adopting a cat. This is a drastic natural way to get rid of mice. Not only do mice abhor cat litter due to its strong smell, but the cat is also a natural predator for these rodents. The cat will be able to detect mouse hiding places in your garage and eliminate them for you.

  • Use unbearable odors for mice

Once you have detected traces of the presence of these rodents in your garage, you can concoct the most perfect remedy. You can opt for rotten cheese which is very fragrant and feared by mice. Other odors such as lemon and pepper are also effective against mice.

  • Use mouse traps

In your garage you can also use mouse traps when infested with mice. You can be satisfied, for this, with the very classic traps with wooden carabiners. Place your traps as many times as necessary and according to the level of infestation. In addition to these traditional traps, there are also other types that will do the trick: bait traps, multiple catch traps, glue traps, ultrasonic traps.

Preventions and solutions to exterminate mice and rats

Mice and rats are pests that can be particularly annoying and even dangerous for you and your health. You can't afford to leave them loose in your home. Here are some ideas:

  • Eliminate entry points to the house

It is known, mice and rats access your home through entry points. So the best way to get rid of them is to defend your space by eliminating anything that can be an entry point. Mice and rats can burrow through any entry point, so seal the cracks as much as possible. Equip the openings of your doors and windows.

  • Keep your home as clean as possible

Another way to avoid the infestation of rats and mice in your home is to keep it as clean as possible. Although complete sanitation will not be enough to get rid of these rodents, poor hygiene will attract them. Be careful not to leave too much of the food that attracts mice and rats. Vacuum your floors and be sure to wipe down counters removing residue, crumbs and any access to food sources.

  • Call an exterminator

The best solution to carry out a mice extermination, it's to hire an expert who will do the job for you.

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