Bedbug information


Today we are going to talk again about one of these insects that can bother you. Not only you but also and especially your whole sleep. It's bed bugs

Extermination punaise de litI know how scared some people are to see only this combination of words where we find " bedbugs ". Especially because quite recently they fell victim to these insects. You can't imagine how frustrating it is to get up in the morning and stand in front of a mirror to see your belly and your whole body full of red pimples. Even worse than this scenario. It's not being able to sleep through the night under the impulse of bed bugs.

When these bugs start popping up in your home, they could very well give you hell. For the record, bed bugs can designate several species of heteroptera of the Climicidae family, depending on the areas of the world where you are. Well here is their main action: to sting you and especially to suck your blood.

Are you reading today because you are a victim of these insects and don't know what to do? Or are you looking for techniques to be able to exterminate bed bugs? Or even you are only curious to know more about it because it could happen to you sooner or later. In all the cases listed, you are indeed in the right place to find answers to all your concerns. We are going to revisit everything (or almost) about bed bugs and give you some tips to be able to fight against them.

How to recognize bedbugs?


Morphologie de la punaise de lit

We will even start at this level. We could not fight against something that we completely ignore. You must first be able to recognize bed bugs before embarking on their extermination. Be aware that these bugs are visible to the naked eye.
They move by walking because they have no wings to fly. They have microscopic hairs that give them a generally striped appearance.

Bedbugs that have reached a certain age are reddish-brown in color, followed by an oval, flattened body.
In short, The Cimex is no different from a green lentil after cooking. Their characteristic flattened morphology gives them the ability to slip into crevices the size of the thickness of a magnetic card. After their meal, once the bug is filled with blood, it is similar to an apple seed.
This is basically what you need to remember to be able to recognize a bed bug.


How do bed bugs move from one place to another?


You may be surprised. But the bedbug is simply carried by the man himself. Transport vectors are often suitcases, clothes or anything else on which it can stick. In a bedroom, for example, the suitcase is very often next to the bed or under the bed. Easy for a bug to get in. So don't be surprised to see bedbugs even in your new apartment.

So what can be said about a bedbug contamination?


contamination punaises de lit

When it comes to the fastest moving insects the bed bug is among the best. They are great travelers and can leave from one point to another just as easily. In general, they are often found in the rooms of the house.

However, if they can't find anything to eat in the bedrooms, they'll easily spread to every corner of the house in search of something to eat (or better still, something to suck).


How do bed bugs reproduce?


Scientifically, their (biological) reproductive cycle has three stages: eggs, larvae and adults. The latter lasts two to ten months depending on the temperature of the food.


Precautions to take?


Before the passage of a specialist for the extermination of bedbugs, your apartment must be prepared and nothing must lie on the ground to facilitate its passage. In addition, everything should first be washed at 60°C or put them in the dryer for 30 or 40 minutes of boiling.

If the wardrobes are close to your bed, it is also important to wash everything at 60°C. When this is not possible, soft and fragile linen such as silk or wool is put in the freezer for almost 2 days (i.e. 48 hours at 7°C).


Some chemical tricks?


Even if the insecticides do not destroy the eggs because it requires to use them several times in an interval of 2 to 3 weeks in order to prevent the larvae hatched from the eggs from becoming adults.

Well here is revealed for you everything you need to know about bedbugs. These insects when they created a republic in your house, you will be able to spend very roomy nights. It is very important to know how to detect them and also how to exterminate them. For their extermination you can for example use natural techniques or chemical solutions. Of course call on an exterminator to get rid of these insects permanently . Get into the fight to avoid sleepless nights.

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