Flea Extermination

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Flea extermination

Tiny, agile insects measuring around 2mm, fleas are wingless creatures that are not easily distinguished due to their dark reddish-brown color. Their favorite prey is your harmless pet, be it a cat or a dog.

Fleas can be a real problem for you if they infest your home. This is the reason why it is imperative that you begin a flea extermination process to rid your home of the infestation of these nasty creatures.

Flea Identification

The flea

Scientific name :Siphonaptera
French namePuce

Covered with small spines, these disgusting creatures that drink your pet's blood can be a real plague and their presence can make your home unsanitary. The surface of its body is flat and hard. Although the flea is wingless, it is still able to jump a great distance and reach 20 cm in height. The tiny hairs that cover the surface of its body help them move with ease through your pet's fur.

Identifier la puce

The incessant scratching of your pets is the most common indication of a flea attack. Often people get flea bites and their skin starts to itch. Marks of itchy redness appear. Flea dirt can also be found on pet fur and on the floor, as well as on carpets around the house. This dirt is basically the feces of adult fleas.

The female flea that lives in the fur of the dog or cat lays her eggs on the surface of the host's body or on the ground. There is always a possibility that the eggs will fall from the pet's fur and end up on the floor or the carpet, or even on the sofas and beds. The eggs take 12 days to turn into larvae. These larvae grow in dark, damp places. They avoid the sun and feed on the excrement of adult fleas.

They reach their pupal stage in 18 days and build tiny cocoon-like structures around their bodies. In about two weeks, they become adult fleas ready to attack your home. Fleas reproduce very quickly ; females lay about 20 eggs per day, especially in areas where livestock or pets are present.

Even if you can't see these tiny creatures, you can still feel their presence when you see your pets constantly scratching. Besides, fleas carry human diseases like tularemia and typhoid fever. Hence the need for complete flea extermination.

Do you think you have a flea infestation? Contact a professional!

A Flea Infestation Shouldn't Freak You Out, because you can always fix this little problem. You can do this yourself or with the help of a professional pest control exterminator. The process of effective flea extermination should include both physical methods and chemical substances. It is not enough to wash your animals to get rid of fleas, you will also have to meticulously clean your house and its surroundings.

However, the initial course of action should be a thorough examination of your pet's fleas and the application of flea lotions to their fur. To conclude, whenever you are dealing with a pest and flea problem, instead of panicking, just contact your veterinarian or your professional exterminator near you.

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