Ant Exterminator Montreal cost

What is the cost of an ant exterminator in Quebec

Ant Exterminator Montreal cost

How much does an ant exterminator cost in the Greater Montreal area?

Extermination fourmis prix

Ants are social insects that are likely to invade your home in search of food and light. In winter, they disappear from nature and may appear in your home to survive. Spring is mating season and ants are just as good in the wild as they are in your home.

Finding ants at home is unpleasant and you know that the intervention of a professional is the best solution. We will discuss in this article ant exterminator cost, more specifically: how much does an ant exterminator cost in Montreal?

Ants in your house: the why and how:

There are different reasons that explain the presence and possible infestation of ants in your home; we mentioned the most common above: the quest for food. If you let in the open air your fruits or other food, the smell will attract these insects. This is actually a preventable cause of ant infestation. We can also think of the accumulation of wet wood in your garden lack of regular maintenance...

There are also unavoidable causes that put you at risk of anthill invasion, the main one being: your house is built near a forest. In this case, the passage of ants in your home is, alas, almost obligatory.

To be sure of an ant infestation:

Before we talk about the prices of an ant extermination, it is essential to enlighten you on what defines an ant infestation among extermination professionals.

1. Ants in your home in the winter:

Sometimes it's normal to see a few ants in your home in the spring, it's their mating season and they are most likely just passing through. While in winter, even a small number of ants suggests a real infestation, because ants find refuge in your home in cold weather (which lasts several months in Quebec).

2. Of the ants killed, others arise:

When you have the reflex to kill the dozens of ants found in the kitchen, for example, and the next day others reappear, then the same event happens again and again. There, you know that there are hundreds of ants in your home, it is indeed synonymous with an infestation.

3. Ant Tracks:

As small as they are, ants are not very discreet insects. When there is a small group of ants in your house or apartment, they may go unnoticed, but this is not the case when it comes to an infestation.

You will notice on your parquet traces of sawdust on the path these social insects take.

The kitchen is also a great place to investigate as food in the open is eaten by hundreds of ants each taking a tiny bite. These multiplied pieces are visible to the naked eye.

4. Ants in single line:

This is an unmistakable sign: you see ants moving in a long single line, on the same trajectory to the same place where their nest is placed: it is an infestation.

5. Winged ants in your home:

Visit Winged ants are adult ants and their appearance evokes the presence of a large colony of ants that have been in your home for quite some time.

What is an insect extermination?

The extermination of insects such as ants is a service offered by many "pest control companies in Montreal.. These are extermination professionals trained to free your apartments and houses from unwanted insects. In this case, these professionals know well the habits of ants, the corners where they preferentially place their main nest and how to eradicate them in record time all while avoiding recurrence.

Without further ado, contact a professional exterminator to protect your furniture from ants, above all, do not procrastinate as this will aggravate the situation and increase the cost of the ant exterminator.

Exterminateur fourmis tarifs Montréal

Why call an ant exterminator?

Without a doubt, the cost of an ant exterminator is well wort it, and this for many reasons:

  • Do you know that little ants are there to damage your wooden furniture ? Indeed, they dig holes there both for the main nest and for the satellite nests.
  • The reproduction of ants takes place in the spring and the laying in the first two weeks of April. Therefore, it is certain that their number will increase over time.
  • Ants do not leave houses so quickly, if you do not act the problem can last for months or even years.

On what criteria is the ant exterminator price established?

Like any insect extermination service, there is not just one criterion that comes into play in the price. Here are some criteria that the professional considers to establish the price of the extermination of ants:

  1. ✔ The area of your house:

    If you live in a small apartment, there is a good chance that the extermination will be quick and painless. Conversely, a large house with several rooms requires heavy intervention with several sessions. Obviously more space to check each time.

  2. ✔ The severity of the infestation:

    When the colony is small, expect a rather low ant exterminator price (i.e. not less than 200 $). If the colony is large and there are several hidden satellite nests, the numbers will increase significantly.

  3. ✔The species of ants:

    In Montreal, there are quite a few pest management companies. But the one that will hurt your wallet the most (as well as your home) is definitely carpenter ants!

The cost of the ant exterminator, in numbers:

In short, plan up to 1000 $ for this extermination service: the professional is knowledgeable, he is certified, he uses products that are not harmful to the environment and the price includes a 1 to 2 year guarantee.

Obviously, if you have a small apartment and you decide to call a professional right away, you will have the chance to pay only 200 $.

It remains impossible to accurately predict the price of the ant exterminator. Even the company you are going to contact will ask for a consultation session before deciding.

Finally, calling a certified exterminator as soon as the problem is discovered is the best approach. So, for your ant problem, you know what to do!

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